Wednesday 29 May 2013


Computers are just like hammers, they are both tools. Sometimes you have to use your tools on eachother.

-my photography teacher sub


Thursday 16 May 2013

Are you lost, or do you read my blog?

Hey everyone, I have not posted in forever cause I thought nobody actually read this thing. However I have noticed that I have been getting alot of views latly. If you do read my sexy blog and want me to do more posts comment so I know. If I do not get any comments, I will assume people got lost and came on here by accident. Then will not post anymore. So people speak up! Do you want me to make new posts? If your answer is yes comment telling me, if not that's fine too. If you don't do something right, people won't know you did anything at all.


Monday 10 December 2012

Know Your Knowledge!

Some people do not know any terms or names on piercings. So this post will give you a bit of knowledge on piercings.

  • Snake bites: Two rings or studs in your lips, one on each end of your bottom lip. 
  • Monroe: One stud above your top lip on either the right or left side.
  • Angel Bites: Two studs above your top lip, one on the left one on the right.
  • Upper Vertical Labret: A barbell through the middle of your bottom lip. 
  • Labret: A ring, stud, or spike under your bottom lip in the middle.
  • Nose: Ring or stud through your left or right nostril.
  • Septrum: A ring through your nose between the nostrils.
  • Bridge: A barbell at the top of your nose, between your eyes.
  • Web: A ring or barbell under your tongue.
  • Vemons: Two balls or barbells through your tongue, side by side. 
  • Eyebrow: A barbell or ring through your eyebrow.
  • Dimple: Two studs where your dimples would be if you had them.
  • Spider bites: Two rings or studs in your bottom lip, side by side. 
  • Canine bites: Having angel bites and snake bites at the same time.
  • Shark Bites: Having two sets of spider bites.
Those are the most common non-ear (I hate ears, I will not write about them) piercings. Hope this helps anyone who didn't know get a bit of knowledge. The lesson of the day, do not mix up piercing names. A friend of mine went to a piercing place, and mixed up the names. She wanted a bridge piercing and mixed the name up with the name of a genital piercing. That is not a happy story, so keep that in mind when you go to get a piercing. Do not mix up the names. She ended up getting it fixed before they did it, but that was a lucky close call. Do not take that chance, and know your knowledge. Have a good piercing filled day. From the piercing filled creature, Jayy.  

I Didn't Know I Was Marilyn Manson

I dress how I like, and I wear what makes me happy. Soon I am getting new colored contacts, "Husky Eyes". One contact is light-medium brown, the other is a very light blue. I am ordering very soon chrome teeth covers. I am buying and wearing these things because I love them so much. I am also trying to grow out my black hair to be alot longer. My skin is very very pale, and I still use virgin white foundation. I also steal my makeup ideas from magical celebrities. My friends have recently let me know I am turning into Marilyn Manson. I do not take it as a bad thing, and it does not upset me. Instead I am very happy to hear this. They gave it to me as a "warning", but I call it magical news. I know I am not Marilyn Manson and they know that. We are crazy like random, not like we belong in a nut house. They just mean I am really starting to look like him alot. I had to do a post on this, because this is happy news. I just wanted to tell the world about what "my doctors" told me, and that is I have Marilyn Manson look-alike sickness. So to all the Manson Maniacs out there I stay by you tall, be proud to be who you are, even if being who you are is like another person. So the message from Jayy today is live long and prosper. I just wanted to end at least one post like that.

My chrome teeth! 


Just a post on my favorite quotes, enjoy! ;)

  1. "I'm a very neat monster."
  2. "Tick, tick, tick, that's the sound of your heart running out."
  3. "If you believe that God makes miracles, you have to wonder if Satan has a few up his sleeve..."
  4. "The killer is an artist."
  5. "You want to hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right: I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold, hard cynic like you. But I don't like to hurt people's feelings. You think what you want about me, I'm not changing. I...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get."
  6. "My devil danced with his demon and the fiddler's tune is far from over."
  7. "I'm a fruit loop, stuck in a Cheerios's world."
  8. "If you have haters, it means you are doing something right."
  9. "Don't judge people by their covers, most of their books are still being written."
  10. When live gets magical, live it."
  11. "He who never climbs, will never fall."
  12. "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing to do i the world, trust me I have done it a million times."
  13. "She is so fierce."
  14. "What's the T?"
  15. "They say under Chuck Norris's beard there is no chin, there is just another fist."
  16. "I'm a member of the secret British accent society."
  17. "Every saint has a future, every sinner has a past."
  18. "Split tongues have more fun."
  19. "I maybe just a crazy fan girl to you, but to him I am the one he will never forget."
  20. "You can always rinse the surface, but the stain will remain."
  21. "I am human and need to be loved, just like everybody."
  22. "Don't forgive them mother cause they know exactly what they have done."
  23. "She was as calm as a tranquilized cucumber."
  24. "The game has changed, but the players are the same."
  25. "Who am I, well that depends on who you ask."
  26. "Homophobia is gay."
  27. "I'm not gay although I wish I were to pi** off homophobes."
  28. "If my heart bled and screamed and no one herd a sound would it bring me peace if my heart just drowned."
  29. "Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man, work like a boss."
  30. "I love everything about you except for the fact that your not mine."
  31. "I'm not just his fan. I'm his wife."
  32. "The quickest way to double your money is to fold it on half and put it back in your pocket."
  33. "It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is weather I win or lose."

There you go, 33 off my most favourite quotes in the world. Enjoy, comment on what you think of them.  Have a nice day from your dead pal, Jayy. Below is a pic that will make you smile. No matter what people say, or how crazy you might think they are. Never give up on your dreams.

His dream came true, don't give up on your own.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Ms. Morton is the Greatest Librarian in History! :D

This is a post about/for/and to our school's librarian Ms. Morton. She is the best librarian is the history of the universe. She is kind, nice, caring, and awesome. Every morning see wishes everyone a good morning with a warming smile. Then she will always answer any questions you have very kindly. She is always there to help and she's always friendly to everyone. She reads all of my blog posts, and always gives comments. She also comments about the post (not like "good job" or "I like it") she puts in lots of detail. In person, or online Ms. Morton is nice and awesome at the same time. From her I have got lots of nice complements on my art. I always am happy to hear from her. Not alot of people get me, or understand who I am. But for many reasons I feel like she understands me and my style. I was just happy to know her as a person. Then today I had a total spazz attack and almost started crying because of what she did for me. I bet everyone remembers the post I did titled "AP-Where to Buy?" (done on November 23, if you have not and want to read it). Well the first line in that post was "I need the new issue of Alternative Press, it's issue #294 and I will die if I do not get a copy." I did not get my hopes up to much on getting it. I was going to cheek a few places different people told me to check, but I had high doubt Ottawa would have them. Well to anyone who cares about me, I am not going to die anytime soon. I walked out of writers craft today to be stopped by Ms. Morton. She asked me if my teacher told me the message she gave for me. I thought she was talking about how my teacher told me how much Ms. Morton had been praising my art. I asked if that was the message, she just smiled and said I ordered some new stuff to the library. I was happy to know that, then what she told me next is what made me have a spazz attack. She showed me the pages with AP Mag #294.1 and #294.2 on them. She then let me know she ordered them in for me because of she saw how much I wanted them from my post. How many librarians would have done that? The best one! Then I later found out (from a comment on a post), when everyone is done reading them, I might get to keep them. Again only the best librarian would have done that. So I made this post for Ms. Morton to know how thankful I am. Also for people to know how nice and kind she is. Thank you again very much Ms. Morton. I hope you have a wonderful day/week/year/life. I wish you all the happiness in the universe. So today's lesson from Jayy is do your homework. If your lucky you might get more then good marks from it. Until next time creatures. This is Jayy saying respect your school staff, and do your homework. If you do your life will not be hard but instead magical.

Monday 3 December 2012

Marilyn Manson is Magical

I just have to do a post on Marilyn Manson because I love him and he is magical! To me he started off the goth/metal music world. He did it before anyone else and when he did it he went all out. He did metal music, with a goth look, husky eyes (one blue, one brown), and chrome teeth covers. Parents hated him, why because they hate what they don't understand. Everyone else just went nuts, he was loved everywhere. He dressed like the same way I do. Big black tall leather boots. Black hair, and colored contacts. Then beautiful makeup, virgin white foundation with usually blue or red eye shadows. He is the Rupaul of goths. Rupaul dressed in drag when you would be hated by everyone  for doing it. Well Marilyn was like that but for the goth community. No matter how many people said horrible things. He would just keep smiling and singing. He got famous fast he was like the new Elvis. It was something different that people went crazy for. Parents would blame him for their kids dressing like "freaks". However if you watch any interview with him. Or if you saw the Family Guy episode "Saving Private Brian". Then you would know Marilyn's message is to be yourself and not let others judge you for it. To me this man is a hero. If he did not do what he had done, then the goth community might still have been the same today. Which is you might even be killed for being goth. If you have not herd Marilyn Manson's music, then go on youtube or google him. If you like metal you will love Marilyn Manson. My favourite songs are The Beautiful People, Heart-Shaped Glasses, (s)AINT, and Sweet Dreams. Listen and let me know your favourites. Until next time creatures, this is a message from Jayy saying Don't Judge Goths, and love Marilyn Manson.

For your enjoyment.